Frankfurt am Main, April 18, 2024
Höchsmann & Company, a leader in the executive search industry, announces the launch of a new management diagnostics tool developed in collaboration with the Swiss company INOLUTION. “This tool enables a more precise customization to the specific requirements of our clients and supports the competence analysis as well as the development of executives through advanced 360-degree feedback analyses”, says Thorsten Amend-Schnaar, Managing Director.
Höchsmann is also strengthening its involvement in two important professional associations. Thorsten Amend-Schnaar was appointed to the EMEA Council of the AESC in March 2024. Höchsmann & Company has been a certified member of the international industry association “Association of Executive Search and Leadership Consultants” (AESC), which defines the industry’s top standards, for almost 25 years. “It is very important to us to promote exchange at an international level and to further develop the industry through integrity and excellence,” says Amend-Schnaar.